Selamat Datang

Reference :
Hello students, here are examples of absence letter. You may write it or your parent does it.
Example 1
If you are sick.
June 23, 2012
Miss Mega Verdiana
Grade 4
SD Kristen Dorkas

Dear Miss Mega,
Please excuse my daughter, Gabriela Sabatini, for her absence from school today. Gabriela had fever, and her pediatrician Dr. Rudy advised us to keep her home for 3 days.
I have attached alongside a medical certificate by the doctor.
Thank you.

Yours truly

Amin Wahyudi
Example 2
If your relative is sick.
June 23, 2012
Miss Mega Verdiana
Grade 4
SD Kristen Dorkas

Dear Miss Mega,
Please excuse my daughter, Gabriela Sabatini, for her absence from school today. Our family will be out of the city today, to visit an ill relative in Yogyakarta. .
I hope you will oblige, and thank you for your kind consideration.
Thank you.

Yours truly

Amin Wahyudi

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